Partners Lawn Care is the leading lawn care company specializing in green, healthy, weed-free lawns for all of Green Country in Oklahoma and North Texas. Professional lawn care service gives you more time to enjoy your beautiful, pest-free lawns. Lawn care is our specialty. “Together We’ll Get Results!” Guaranteed!
LEARN MOREWeed Control
This 7-step program keeps weeds away all year long and includes both pre- and post-emergent applications. Our products are tested and approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are applied by trained professionals.
Insecticide Treatment
Our insecticide program offers effective treatment and prevention methods that will help keep unwanted pests off your property. This outdoor treatment includes a full lawn application, including a double perimeter spray of your property. This treatment can prevent 30 different kinds of insects, including grubs, fleas, ticks, mosquito larva, ants and spiders.
A well-fertilized lawn is more resistant to drought and disease. Fertilizer also builds strong roots—helping your grass resist weeds and insects. Our fertilizer is made from natural ingredients and is safe for both children and pets.
Aeration helps build a healthier lawn and reduces maintenance requirements by improving air exchange between the soil and atmosphere. It deepens your lawn’s root system for greater resistance to disease, insects, drought and heat stress. It can also help reduce water usage, thatch accumulation and alleviate compaction. Add over seeding to help thicken thin and bare areas and to introduce new and improved grass varieties to your existing turf.
Our 7 Step Program

The first of two spring pre-emergent treatments for the prevention of crabgrass and spring broadleaf weeds, as well as a post-emergent for any active weeds. This helps to stop weeds from gaining a roothold in your lawn before they even germinate by using a pre-emergent herbicide.

The second spring pre-emergent treatment for the prevention of crabgrass and spring broadleaf weeds, as well as a post-emergent for any active weeds. This helps to stop weeds from gaining a roothold in your lawn before they even germinate by using a pre-emergent herbicide.

Early summer well-balanced granular fertilizer and post-emergent for broadleaf weeds and problem grasses. We are also adding nutrients at a time of growth. Be sure and water deeply and less frequently as lawns need at least one inch of water per week.

Mid-summer well-balanced granular fertilizer and post-emergent for broadleaf weeds and problem grasses. We are also adding nutrients at a time of growth. Be sure and water deeply and less frequently as lawns need at least one inch of water per week.

Late summer/early fall well-balanced granular fertilizer and post-emergent for broadleaf weeds and problem grasses. We are also adding nutrients at a time of growth. Be sure and water deeply and less frequently as lawns need at least one inch of water per week.

Fall pre-emergent for the prevention of spring weeds as well as a post-emergent for any active broadleaf weeds. This helps in the preparation of the lawn for winter but make sure to water till the lawn and shrubs go dormant.

Lime application is a granular treatment which is a soil conditioner and helps to raise the pH level of the soil. In addition to correcting soil acidity, lime adds calcium and magnesium to soil. Such nutrients are important to preserve a lawn’s color and protect from damage caused by heat, drought or stress.
“My experience has been that Partners Lawn Care has demonstrated a consistent focus and priority towards paying attention to how they treat people and that they definitely care about their reputation with customers and potential customers.”
– Marcus, Tulsa, OK
“Very pleased with Partners Lawn Care. We have had several comments over the past few years on how good our lawn looks.”
– Martin, Tulsa, OK
“Our lawn looks great and you guys did it in just a few short months.”
– Bryce, Tulsa, OK
“Thank you for showing up on schedule, leaving a bill and making things really convenient. Our lawn looks great.”
– Lindsay, Tulsa, OK